Folks ! We have exciting news for you . Like each time we have news on how we are making khadi more accessible in your daily lives .
This time, it is a simple thing like handkerchief
an inspired move from our beloved and visionary PM Modi .
PM Modi has gone out of way and refused to take expensive bouquets or gifts in any functions and ceremonies and has requested to gift KHADI handkerchief as a precious gift .
This got us to wonder over the humble handkerchief. Why, when they are so practical and Eco-friendly, haven’t they returned to popularity?
6 things to switch to khadi handkerchief in daily lives -
1) Blow your nose 🤧
as the saying goes -"Carry one for show, and one for blow.” But there’s nothing kinder to the face than a soft hankie. If you’re squeamish about the idea, remember: you can and should change a hankie like you change your under garments
2) Gets you close to someone you love
- we all can recall scenes in old movies: a chivalrous gentleman offers his hankie to impress her lady. There’s nothing more compassionate than assisting someone with a good cry and helping them feel graceful at a moment of vulnerability. Tissue will do, but a fresh hankie ups the ante. Have a plentiful supply of hankies at all times so you can pass yours as a gift.
3) Give hankies as remembrances to a dear one - For a dear friend or a family mate get vintage hankies which can restore remembrance of those times when you had those laughs over a cup of tea together.

4) A must have in the brides trousseau - set the new cool trend-Hankies are all about tradition and what could be more traditional than a wedding? Even for tears of joy, every woman should have a frilly khadi hankie stowed away in her purse
Check out our khadi handkerchief Collection!!
5) Save the planet with Khadi -
An estimated 3,000 tons of tissue and paper are deposited every day. It takes something like 17 trees to make one ton of paper products. If everyone quit using tissues, imagine the difference we could make in the environment and that too with a khadi cotton hankie.
6) Saves you from bad odour and infections
🏽♂- One can dry hands without using paper towels or blow dryers in public restrooms. Handkerchief can double the convenience for opening doors in public spaces during flu season. It comes as a rescue from unpleasant smell especially when you are travelling !

PS - Keep personal hankies separate from hand hankies by carrying fabric pouches or plastic sandwich bags where you can store them.
By - Roopika Rastogi
Nice blog! this gesture should be shown by all countrymen
Great Thought !
Very informative article !
Nice article
Revival of roots?